Hi to all my blog readers,

As the 5 lights goes on………

signalling the arrival of a new week I wonder sometimes the rate at which time passes these days. A week has slipped by before I can even experience it or for that matter realizes it. On second thoughts no not exactly. Why because when I reflect back to the week gone by in my spare time only for me (this is something I can’t miss) I could see so many moments and things gone into the making of the week gone by that suddenly the time spent seems to be enough. Truly time is so relative.

There is always a task lists when the week starts. Some are finished, some are in between and some not even started. The best part some are additional. And then the task lists is redrawn and the process goes on and on and I keep on wondering why on earth I could not finish these tasks as I had time to do them only to realize that may be they were not supposed to. But I still keep on wondering realizing the same time and again only to realize this time that there is no point in running after those unattended and unfinished pieces which have been tried enough. Perhaps as the time would pass by so would time would definitely come to serve the struggling ones. Better to adjust to them for the moment and by the way its not at all procrastinating in any way.

In between those struggling moments though I do manage to have some really sweet and meaningful precious moments which are enough to make my week bringing smile to my face and sometimes moistening my eyes as in:

driving on full throttle especially in good and wet weather (I wonder when would I have a good car nevertheless I am happy with current one),
having home made food especially when me arranging vegetables and stuff for maid to prepare for myself,
penning down my thoughts and especially if someone comments back and says it was good – it feel awesome,
spending time with special ones over a coffee or phone,
watching a Salman Khan special or Schumi going the distance,
feeling over the world over a crack on design so what even if its a small one.

For the moment though these are enough for me.

We think a lot but we act little,
and then we don’t act sometimes thinking its too late,
little realizing
no time is late enough to take action,

We all have a sequencing system of evolving our own way designed somewhere suitable only for ourselves, there is no point cribbing over getting late to do something,
and surely
there is no point in sitting over what was not done and what was done,

it was not in our hands only to the point of not having choices to choose and circumstances in favour,
however once we have choices and circumstances
our lives moves ahead in a way and in the direction by what we choose and decide and how we react to different circumstances.

For me its hard learning as ever – nothing above I understood in first instance. Several decisions and choices were taken which now does not seem to be right. I am still struggling to find out the right answer to this.

Perhaps its in the changing circumstances, perhaps its in the different ways that each one of us evolves over time, or perhaps we look differently now to the future ahead. I don’t know why but I am convinced of the fact the critical decisions we generally take in our life are generally to the best of our abilities, thinking, knowledge and prevailing circumstances at that time. They were meant to be right at that time. The problem is that that time is not now and now can never be that time again.

Continue next week

Untill then

Good bye